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Sale and service of steam machines. Authorized dealer of Greensteam steamers. Manual steam car wash is the process of cleaning the exterior and interior of the car by steam. Steam cleaning from trolleys to buses. Perfect cleaning of trolleys - why is it so important? More about steam cleaning. Idea to start new business! Are you dreaming about new business? .
Exclusive representative of SJE Corporation for Central and Eastern Europe. ExpoClean 2013, Moscow, Russia. Some pictures of our stand from this event . The exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2013. See some pictures from this exhibition. Vhodná na prevádzku v akýchkoľvek podmienkach, teda v garáži, na parkovisku, na dvore, v supermarkete, v kancelárii, prípadne v priemyselnom závode.
Exclusive representative of SJE Corporation for Central and Eastern Europe. ExpoClean 2013, Moscow, Russia. Some pictures of our stand from this event . The exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2013. See some pictures from this exhibition. Cleaning with steam is ecological. Steam or foam vacuum cleaners.
Exclusive representative of SJE Corporation for Central and Eastern Europe. ExpoClean 2013, Moscow, Russia. Some pictures of our stand from this event . The exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2013. See some pictures from this exhibition. Ist eine spezialisierte und moderne Autowäscheeinrichtung, die an allen Orten, wie zum Beispiel in Garagen, auf Parkplätzen, in Hinterhöfen, in der Nähe von Supermärkten oder Bürogebäuden sowie in einer Fabrik angewandt werden kann.
Innowacyjne systemy czyszczące dla myjni parowych, przemysłu i firm sprzątających. Myjnie parowe sprawdzają się zarówno na elementach karoserii, jak również na kołach, felgach aluminiowych, przy praniu tapicerki, a także w trudno dostępnych miejscach takich jak progi czy szczeliny. Sprzęt oferowany przez Green Steam pozwala na zachowanie wysokiego poziomu czystości i dezynfekcji w miejscach takich jak pokoje gościnne, łazienki, siłownie czy miejsca przygotowywania posiłków. Myjnie parowe marki Verona prz.
Exclusive representative of SJE Corporation for Central and Eastern Europe. ExpoClean 2013, Moscow, Russia. Some pictures of our stand from this event . The exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2013. See some pictures from this exhibition. Vhodná na prevádzku v akýchkoľvek podmienkach, teda v garáži, na parkovisku, na dvore, v supermarkete, v kancelárii, prípadne v priemyselnom závode.
Green Steam is a locally owned and operated business which specializes in environmentally friendly carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning and stain removal. Green Steam has exclusive natural green cleaning solutions for your upholstery that will not damage the fabric.
Here are a few reasons to consider steam engines as an alternative to. Power ranges go from fractional HP to hundreds of HP. Steam engines can run 24 hours a day regardless of location, weather or daylight. There are no construction costs, towers, roof panels or permits required. There is no noise or environmental impact associated with steam power. No back-up power required as it is for wind and solar systems.